Sunday, 4 December 2005

Revolution for the hell of it

The man who coined the slogan "revolution for the hell of it", Abbie Hoffman, died on the 12th of April, 1989. Yep, that crazy dude who cofounded and was a leader of the Youth International Party as well as instrumental in promoting the White Panthers, a la interrupting The Who at Woodstock by jumping onstage and making a speech of protest against the imprisonment of John Sinclair of the White Panther, er, Party... but guitarist Pete Townshend knocked him off stage - not because he disagreed, but Hoffman, like, interrupted his set, man...

I will try not to go off on a tangent, ranting about how much of a dangerous idiot I think this guy was, but I will just show you something that might help you make the same conclusion, unless of course you are a raving Leftie and in turn want to kill my fascist ass.

Check out the ten-point program of the White Panthers that I have listed below; they would probably go down well in happy happy Lala-Land, but we live on planet Earth and all the different cultures and societies in the world are made up of human beings. Now don't get me wrong, I am a staunch supporter of universal human rights, but it is beyond me as to how this plan will achieve anything resembling peace on earth...

It is so typical of the anarcho-Left to demand everything for free, an end to money [wtf?] and everything else for free; food, clothes, housing, dope, music, bodies, medical care... where is this stuff supposed to materialise from? Slaves in a small developing nation or the sparkly little fairies at the bottom of the garden? I do believe in universal medical care; but if you can afford to pay you should, and if you're too poor to pay I actually believe the state should provide because if we are going to have such exorbitant taxes you deserve a return on that forced investment. But free dope? Who would be responsible for paying for this? Ohhhh, that's right, money doesn't exist anymore, we would have already painted ourselves blue and be living like the Smurfs. Ha! What a wank! As human beings we are inherently selfish, that might not be such a great thing, but it is unavoidable. The individual should be responsible for their own selfishness, their own habits, their own desires...

Hm, I wasn't going to rant, oh well!

So, Abbie Hoffman, may your soul rest in peace, and in conclusion I will concede you made some rather lovely points, now where is the feasibility study to prove that everyone wants the same things out of life??!!!! Huh? Huh? Yeah, I thought so...

Like the Black Panthers, the White Panthers laid out a ten-point program

1.) Full endorsement and support of Black Panther Party's 10-Point Program

2.) Total assault on the culture by any means necessary, including rock n' roll, dope and fucking in the streets.

3.) Free exchange of energy and materials - we demand the end of money!

4.) Free food, clothes, housing, dope, music, bodies, medical care - everything free for everybody!

5.) Free access to information media - free the technology from the greed creeps!

6.) Free time and space for all humans - dissolve all unnatural boundaries.

7.) Free all schools and all structures from corporate rule - turn the buildings over to the people at once!

8.)Free all prisoners everywhere - they are our brothers.

9.) Free all soldiers at once - no more conscripted armies.

10.) Free the people from their "leaders" - leaders suck - all power to all the people freedom means free everyone!

Another ten-point program which is nearly the same

1.) We want freedom. We want the power for all people to determine their own destinies.

2.) We want justice. We want an immediate and total end to all political, cultural and sexist repression of all oppressed people all over the world, particularly the repression of women, of black people and of young people.

3.) We want a free world economy based on the free exchange of energy and materials and the end of money.

4.) We want a clean panet and a healthy people. We want to restore the ecological balance of the planet and secure the future of humanity and it's environs.

5.) We want a free educational system that will teach each man, woman and child on Earth exactly what each needs to know to survive and grow into his or her full human potential.

6.) We want to free all structures from corporate rule and turn all the buildings and land over to the people at once.

7.) We want free access to all information media and to all technology for all the people.

8.) We want the freedom of all people who are being held against their will in the conscripted armies of the oppressor throughout the world.

9.) We want the freedom of all political prisoners of war held in the federal state, county and city jails and prisons. We want them returned to their communities at once!

10.) We want a free planet. We want free land, free food, free shelter, free clothing, free music and culture, free media, free technology, free education, free health care, free bodies, free people, free time and space, everything free for everybody!

PS. If only Hoffman had lived to see the demise of the Iron Curtain...!!

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